Friday, July 20, 2012

History of Insurance

Insurance originated from the Babylonian 4000-3000 BC Hammurabi is known for its agreement. Then in 1668 AD at Coffee House Lloyd's of London London stands as a forerunner to conventional insurance. Sources of insurance law is positive law, natural law and the existing examples as culture.

Insurance brings economic as well as social mission with the premiums paid to insurance companies to guarantee the transfer of risk, namely the transfer (transfer) the risk of the insured to the insurer. Insurance as a risk transfer mechanism in which an individual or a business moving some uncertainty in exchange for premium payments. Definition of risk here is the uncertainty occurs whether or not a loss (the uncertainty of loss).

Insurance in Indonesia started in the Dutch colonial period, associated with the success of domestic companies in the plantation sector and trade in Indonesia. To meet the security needs of business sustainability, of insurance is required. Development of insurance industry in Indonesia had a vacuum during the Japanese colonial period.

Security needs to filled by the Life Insurance

1) Personal Needs, including: the provision of living expenses such as final costs associated with death, the cost of bill payments in the form of loans or loan must be repaid; family allowance, costs of education and pensions. In addition, a life insurance policy with cash value can be used as a savings and investment.

2) Business Needs, such as: insurance on key persons (insurance for the important people in the company); on business owners insurance (insurance for business owners); employee benefits (employee benefits) for example, health insurance and collection.


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